Spiritual Warfare for Women: Winning the Battle for your Home, Family, and Friends
by Leighann McCoy
The author is upfront with the fact that the book took a different path than her original plan due to the circumstances she was facing as she wrote it. Although I do believe that these circumstances provided some strong material for the book I think in the end it caused it to be distracting. I was often left wondering if the book was supposed to be a book to provide tips for others to combat spiritual warfare or if it was biography of her life. It ended up being a bit of both but would have been better had she focused on one or the other.
This is a book that would be suitable for those new to the Christian faith or for those who are wondering what exactly "Spiritual Warfare" is. Under the context of being useful for beginners I think this book is wonderful and it would provide a good foundation for the understanding of spiritual warfare.
And so, even though I do not give the book a rave review, it is certainly a book that I will keep on my bookshelf. I will use it as a resource for those times when I need a devotional, a refresher on combating spiritual warfare or a quick reference for where to find particular scriptures for certain situations. The scripture referencing is the blessing of this book, because being in God's Word is what will ultimately combat any spiritual warfare that you encounter.
Disclosure: Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group provided me with a complimentary copy of this book as part of their book reviewers program.