Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Plain Wisdom

After briefly living near some Amish families and hearing a bit about how they live their lives I have often thought that we could learn alot from the Amish.  When I saw this book I thought it would be a fascinating read.  And it was, different than I excepted, but in the end probably better than if it had been what I was expecting.  I thought it would be a nonfiction story of how a friendship developed and has grown between an Amish women and an Englischer - which is what the Amish call us.  I got the book thinking that at some point I could use it in our Women's Bible Study group for a lesson on godly friendship.

Instead, I found a devotional with beautiful life lessons. The book is divided into about 50 short devotionals that are written by both women from their own perspectives and their own life experiences. I could instantly see that this book would be a great group Bible study resource. It would be a fantastic way to open the paths of communication in a weekly women's study. Every woman can relate to most of these topics and can come together to share their own experiences based on that particular topic.  Even if their experiences are vastly different it is fascinating to see how the same lesson is learned and how we are all guided by a loving and gracious God!

Oh, and I cannot forget to mention the incredible recipes that are included throughout the book.  I can hardly wait to make an authentic Shoofly Pie or try the Overnight Blueberry French Toast.  YUM!!!
Here is the link to a sneak peek to the book.

Disclosure: WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group provided me with a complimentary copy of this book as part of their book review program.

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