Sunday, March 20, 2016

New vision and focus

I have not been blogging in so long, I almost forgot I had a blog!  I have been doing Bible studies and have even enrolled in two ministry schools just that I have not been blogging about it.  If I had plenty of spare time maybe I would list all the Bible studies I have done in the last few years...Yeah right!  I can hardly remember them all.  Which is one of the reasons why I have come back to the idea of using this blog as my study notes.

I have no idea if anyone will even read this little blog, but if there is anyone out there, welcome!  As for ministry school, I probably won't use this blog much for those.  I am taking online classes at Christian Leaders Institute which is a fantastic program and I am also taking classes through the NCAG District School of Ministry.

It was during the last class at NCDSOM and in the reading of the assigned book Living by the Book that I was inspired to take a new look at how I approach Bible Study.  All of this coincides with my Sunday morning Bible Study where we are starting to study the book of Titus.  And we go.  In depth Bible study, starting with the book of Titus.  No spending a lot of time making a plan, just going to jump right in.  Prayers appreciated :-)

Oh!  And I just remembered that it is the first day of spring!  How beautifully appropriate that I am refocusing my vision of spiritual growth on the first day of spring. I chose the verse for this blog when I started it years ago, it is not new.  The Holy Spirit has been working for a long time, I just have not always been cooperative!  But now...But Grow!

2 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

I pray that this simple, little blog will bless you as you also work towards spiritual growth. 

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