Tuesday, November 5, 2019

No Other Gods - Week 1 Day 4

Today's lesson focuses on deception.  When we create false idols we do so because we are deceived.

I also want to use this verse to illustrate my point.
2Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight, (HCSB)

I often think of living a Christian life as a faith walk.  Our faith guides us to the path that God wants us to be on in our life.  When our faith is strong we are fully guided by Him and our path is straight and clear.  In fact, we do not need to even "see" the path, our faith takes over and we follow God in complete obedience.

However, when we stray from the path it is because our faith is faltering and we are misguided or deceived in some way.  Suddenly we need to "see" to be able to navigate on this new path we find ourselves on.  We need to see into the world because we are trying to find our own way.  But how do we get deceived in the first place?

It can start with being caught up in our own sin and perhaps wanting to fulfill our own desires.  We may also be deceived by false teachers and the enemy.  Either way, when we are deceived we are not focused on God and whatever we are focused on can quickly become an idol. 

So how do we get back on the right path?  That brings us to a verse from today's study...

Isaiah 44:20
He feeds on ashes.
His deceived mind has led him astray,
and he cannot deliver himself,

or say, “Isn’t there a lie in my right hand?” (HCSB)

This verse from the study clearly shows us that when we are deceived in any way we soon get lost from the path and we cannot get back to the path unless God guides us.  Only God can rescue us.  We need to cry out to Him, put our faith in Him and walk in obedience instead of trying to make our own way.  Our way only gets us into despair and destruction and that is certainly not the path I want to be on! 

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