Thursday, February 11, 2021

GROW - Daniel 1

 GROW Method of Bible Study:

G - Go to God in private prayer

R - Read Daniel 1

O - Observe

W - Write

There are so many paths I could go down just by reading these first few verses in Daniel Chapter 1, but the verses that jumped out today are the ones about food.  Maybe because I am so hungry right now and I can smell supper cooking away in the kitchen.  

Observations...with those smells in the kitchen I can easily imagine the table set before Daniel and the others. In verse 5 it is described as the "food and wine from the king’s table".  I recently read about a king who insisted on having hundreds of choices for every meal because he didn't know what item might capture his taste at that moment.  

    The table set before Daniel clearly would have the finest selections.  Literally anything they wanted it was right there before them.  Is your mouth watering yet imagining what would be before you if you were at the same table>

    And yet they remain faithful to their customs and in order to not defile themselves they choose only water and vegetables.  The result after 10 days is that "they looked healthier and better nourished"

Write the lessons learned today...

Maybe these verses stood out to me because I have been struggling to lose weight.  Even though I have been going to the pool consistently I have not dropped more than a couple pounds.  So when something isn't working, something needs to change.  

I also have the book and the study guide on the Daniel Fast sitting on the stand next to my chair...collecting dust.  Ok God, I hear you, time to dust that off and make some dietary changes. 

GROW - remain faithful to God.  When He is clearly speaking to you then you must remain faithful to Him.  If you ignore His guidance you are defiling yourself. 

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